Utilisation cookies

Use of cookies

The site www.atraverre.com uses cookies and similar devices including tracking IDs, local storage, web server logs, device identifiers and beacons (hereinafter, “cookies”). ), subject to your consent, to know how you interact with the site www.atraverre.com, facilitate your navigation on the site, present you with the most relevant advertisements which will be most likely to interest you. You probably prefer, when browsing, to see advertisements that best match your interests rather than advertisements that are of no interest to you!

Third parties may collect and use data obtained through cookies placed on the site. I therefore advise you to carefully consult their privacy and cookie policies, to learn more about the advertisements that appear on your screen when you are online and to follow the opt-out procedures that these third parties offer if you do not wish not that your data will be used.

What is a cookie ?

A cookie is a small text file saved on your computer or mobile device and then retrieved during your subsequent visits.

This text file generally includes:

- the name of the server which placed the cookie;

- an identifier in the form of a unique number;

- possibly an expiration date.

During the validity period of the cookie, such a text file will allow the site www.atraverre.com to identify the Internet user's computer during future visits.

What are the cookies installed on THE site used for?

When you connect to the website, www.atraverre.com or its service providers may install various cookies on your terminal. The purpose of this device is to recognize your browser during the validity period of the cookie concerned and to allow the following actions to be implemented:

- Optimize security measures when browsing the site. For example, when browsing the site, you may be asked to connect to content or a service again after a certain time;

- Adapt the presentation of the site to your display preferences depending on the viewing or reading hardware and software on your terminal (language used, display resolution, etc.);

- Establish statistics on attendance and use of the various contents of the site www.atraverre.com. This will improve the interest and ergonomics of the site.

- Keep data contained in a form completed on the site at the time of registration or when accessing your account or information relating to products, services or information chosen on the site (content of your shopping cart , subscribed service etc.).

Your choices regarding cookies

Several options are available to you to best manage your cookies. The registration of a cookie in a terminal is essentially subject to your will. You have the possibility to express and modify your choices at any time and free of charge through the proposals offered to you by your navigation software.

Your consent to cookies

If you have accepted the recording of cookies on your terminal in your browser software, the cookies integrated into the pages and content that you have consulted may be temporarily stored in a dedicated space on your terminal. They will be readable only by their issuer.

Your refusal of cookies

If you decide to delete cookies already stored in your browser or if you refuse the storage of cookies in your terminal, you will no longer be able to benefit from a certain number of functionalities which are nevertheless essential for browsing certain areas of my site.

For example :

- When the site ww.atraverre.com or our service providers cannot recognize the type of navigation software used by your terminal, the country from which your terminal appears to be connected to the Internet or its language and display settings;

- If you attempt to access our content or services that require you to identify yourself.

How to configure your browser to manage cookies?

Two types of configuration of your navigation software are possible:

- Configure your browser software to accept/reject cookies: either systematically or depending on their issuer.

- Configure your browser software so that the acceptance/rejection of cookies is offered to you punctually, before each possible recording of a cookie on your terminal.

To access the configuration of your browser software, you must go to the help menu of your browser to find out how to modify your cookie preferences.

Here are some links redirecting to frequently used navigation software:

Internet Explorer™







http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/Activer et désactiver les cookies

How do I change my cookie preferences?

Most browsers give you the option to block the posting of new tracking technologies and/or remove tracking technologies.

To deactivate tracking technologies, consult the “Help” menu of your browser software. This manipulation may not be effective for all tracking technologies and disabling these technologies may limit, delay your access to sites or affect the way they function. To help you better understand here are some tracking technologies:

- Google Analytics: If you do not want your data to be used by Google Analytics, you can install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on by following the instructions here:tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=fr.

You can object to the use of cookies by Google by visiting the Google advertising deactivation page:policies.google.com/technologies?hl=fr-CA.

- Facebook : visit the different Facebook pages that allow you to find out more about Facebook ads and cookies and to update your settings:




The site www.atraverre.com draws your attention to the fact that even if you have chosen not to receive cookies by applying one of the methods described above, you may still see non-targeted advertisements when you are online to the extent that your interest settings on Facebook are associated with an audience segment to which the activity on the site www.atraverre.com is also associated. There is no way to control whether or not these advertisements appear on your screen.

Visit the Your Online Choices site to opt out of various advertisements targeted to your interests:

youronlinechoices.com/en/  .

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